I enjoyed another evening with the Cotswold
Humanists on Wednesday of this week.
Once again they were debating religion and I joined Sharon and a friend at what was a very
stimulating and thought-provoking evening.
They showed a DVD of a debate between the
late Christopher Hitchens, billed not just as an atheist but as an antitheist
and Douglas Wilson, Minister of a Presbyterian Church in Moscow – an American evangelical.
That evening in the Echo was an account of
members of PG Wodehouse’s family getting together locally to celebrate the
centenary of Jeeves – it was a shared love of PG Wodehouse that broke the ice
for Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson.
It was good to see that the two were
engaging with each other and sharing their thoughts together, each listening to
the other.
The discussion that ensued was good – and
good to have an opportunity to share something of my faith with people from the
Humanist group in that discussion – in a way that listens to one another.
My biggest frustration in watching a film
like that is that Christopher Hitchens describes a version of Christianity he
rejects that I too reject and is so very different from my understanding of the
faith. Douglas Wilson was not as I
feared he might have been, but again I found his description of the Christian
faith not as I would make it.
And that I found was frustrating.
One of the things that Christopher Hitchens
kept on coming back to was the ugly side of the Old Testament – the viciousness
and utter brutality of some of what was described there. In his view to be a Christian was to accept
the whole view of God from the Old Testament, lock stock and in a disturbing
way smoking barrel.
That’s one of the things I simply do not
For me there is a very real sense that the
whole of the Old Testament, the Law, the Prophets and the Writings is fulfilled in Christ. If we as Christian people are to value the
Old Testament as we should then we need to learn to read the Old Testament
through the eyes of Jesus.
That, I believe, is one of the things that
Jesus shared with his disciples. Indeed
it was the most important thing he shared with the two on the Road to Emmaus
and with the disciples in the upper room subsequently as he opened the
Scriptures for them and showed how all the Law, all the Prophets and all the
Writings find their fulfilment in him.
I have a feeling that what Jesus shared at
that time then shaped the way his followers read the Scriptures of the Old
One of the things that was new about Jesus
was the way he offered his followers a way of reading the Bible, the Old
Testament, that some people found offensive.
I think it really is important that we
grasp that there are ways of reading the Bible that we as Christians need to be
aware of if we are to be true to Christ and true to our Christian faith.
How I wanted the opportunity to share those
insights in the context of that discussion with Chrsitopher Hitchens. How important it is.
One of the things I think is interesting to
look out for in reading Acts is guidelines it offers for reading the Old
This comes to a head in what happens in the
aftermath of the tensions that had arisen between the Hellenists and the
Hebrews among the followers of Jesus.
Hellenists and Hebrews had fallen out. The widows of the Hellenists were not
receiving the support that was their due.
At the prompting of the Apostles the Church in Jerusalem set aside seven to meet those needs
– it is no coincidence they were from the Hellenists community – all with Greek
One of their number made his mark in a way
that has left its mark on the church ever since.
His name was Stephen.
Like Peter and John and others before him
he faced a tough time.
He fell out with members of his own
community. The Hellenists were the
Jewish people who were quite happy to take on board elements of Hellenistic
culture and language. Indeed they used
Greek as their main language. In Jerusalem there was at
least one synagogue which met where people used not Hebrew as the language of
prayer, but Greek. They used the Greek
translation of the Law, the Prophets and the Writings as the basis for their
worship and the services they shared.
It was some of those who belonged to the
synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called), Cyrneians, Alexandirans and
others of those from Cilicia and Asia .
These were Jewish people of the Jewish
Diaspora in North Africa and over into Asia
minor – Hellenists, Greek speakers they used Greek in their synagogue as they
gathered together.
But as Hellenists, greek speaking Jewish
people in Jerusalem they were fiercely jealous
of the traditions of the Jewish people in Jerusalem
and in particular they were passionate about the importance certain things they
felt were central to their Jewishness..
they secretly instigated some men to say, ‘We
have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.’ 12They stirred
up the people as well as the elders and the scribes; then they suddenly
confronted him, seized him, and brought him before the council.
The Hellenists set up false witnesses who
laid a very specific accusation against Stephen and they bring that before the
people of power in Jersualem – the council, made up of the Herodians, the
Priests, the Sadduceees – the power people of Jerusalem .
Notice their accusation …
set up false witnesses who said, ‘This man never stops saying things against
this holy place and the law; 14for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this
place and will change the customs that Moses handed on to us.’
It’s exactly the false accusation levelled
against Jesus at the trial – that he would destroy the temple of God
and rebuild it in three days – Matthew 26:61.
And all who sat in the council looked
intently at Stephen and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.
Don’t just think ‘angelic face’ ‘a
cherub’. The word ‘angel’ literally
means ‘messenger’. He had about him the
feel of one was a messenger – who had a message from God.
It is a wonderful picture of an inspirational person …
Good standing
Full of the Spirit
And of wisdom
Full of Faith and the Holy Spirit
Full of grace and power
One who recognised he could not do it
alone, but who knew he was not alone – he had that sense of the Spirit filling
him with that strength that he did not have on his own.
That wisdom, that faith, thar grace and
that power are evident in the account Stephen gives of what is at the hearat of
his faith.
What’s interesting then is that his speech
amounts to a reading of the Old Testatment.
Acts 7 is one of those chapters in the New Testament that sums up the
Old Testament.
Stephen’s account of who the people of God
are begins with Abraham who obeyed God’s command and entered into that covenant
relationship with God that was sealed in circumcision.
Stephen skips through the story of Isaac,
Jacob and the twelve sons of Jacob who become the father figures of the twelve
tribes of Israel and then
Stephen focuses on the story of Joseph, and then Moses and the forty years that
passes after his flight to Egypt .
Then Stepehn focuses on the sense of the
presence of God that comes to Moses as he encounters the name of God in the
burning bush.
Then comes the account of the exodus and
the wandering in the wilderness.
And again the focus is on the presence of
God that finds its focus in the tabernacle that follows the people on their
journey through the wildnernes.
The story turns to Joshua and the settlement in the land – the story
fast forwards to David, the great king and he reaches the point at which Solomon
builds a temple.
So far, so good.
This is a reading of the Old Testament that
would have pleased the Council and the people of power in Jerusalem .
But then Stephen homes in not on the glory
of the temple as they would have expected.
Instead he draws attention to a strand in the Old Testament story that
comes in with the prophets that is critical of the decision to build a house
for God.
This is very interesting.
it was Solomon who built a house for him. 48Yet the Most High does not dwell in
houses made by human hands; as the prophet says,
“Heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool.
kind of house will you build for me, says the Lord,
or what is the place of my rest?
Did not my hand make all these things?”
It is at this point that Stephen interrupts
his story.
It is as if he has got to the point of what
he has to say.
The whole message of the Old Testament is
about the presence of God with his people – where the God of creation touches
earth and is made real in the presence of the people.
Then instead of tracking through the
dominant line – he focuses on the line of the prophets. He doesn’t recount the kings … but instead
focuses on the prophets who stood out against the kings.
stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you are for ever opposing
the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors used to do. 52Which of the prophets did
your ancestors not persecute? They killed those who foretold the coming of the
Righteous One, and now you have become his betrayers and murderers. 53You are
the ones that received the law as ordained by angels, and yet you have not kept
Luke has been careful to identify who
Stephen is addressing – this now is the council – the power people who keep the
Temple running
with its exorbitant tax system. The
people Jesus had vented his anger on in exactly the way the prophets of old did
– turning the tables of the people who carried out that tax system and saying
of them and the Heoridain powers that be – my father’s house should be a house
of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves.
Why does Stephen take this line?
My thought is that this is the kind of way
that Jesus had pointed when he had shared with those two on the road to Emmaus
and the disciples in the upper room. This is the way the line of the prophets finds
its fulfilment in Jesus.
It is in Jesus that the presence of God is
made real. The veil of the temple is
torn in two at the cross. The presence
of God is opened up through Chist.
Those who hear his words and act on them are like the wise man, Solomon, who built his house, the house of God, on the rock.
Paul later would speak of all Christian
believers as being the very temple of the Holy Spirit.
This is where God’s presence is let loose –
no longer in a specifc location in a house made of stone – but in the hearts of
all who follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
This was what the fulfilment of the
Scriptures meant in the lives of the followers of Jesus.
And just as the powers that be took offence
when Jesus mapped this teaching out and spoke of his own resurrection when he
said that the temple would be desttoryed and rebuilt in three days, so too they
took offence when Stephen followed that way of reading the Scriptures of the
Old Testament.
What happens to Stephen is moving. I want to finish with that.
But what is going on here is
fundamentally important for us as
Christians when it comes to reading the Bible.
We are offered here a way of reading the Bible that doesn’t go with the main line of the kings – but focuses on the prophets who spoke out against the kings. And sees in Jesus the fulfilment of those prophets.
And sees that in Jesus the very real
presence of God is let loose in the world.
I come back to the conversations
Christopher Hitchens had with Douglas Wilson – what I would be wanting to share
is that actually Jesus offers us a radical new way of reading the bible and
that is what we are called to follow.
Like Stephen let us seek to be of Good standing
Let us seek to be Full of the Spirit
Let us seek to be full of wisdom
Full of Faith and the Holy Spirit
Full of grace and power
So that in our reading of the Scriptures we
can discover the Christ who brings the very presence of God into our lives.
In the Autumn for our Harvest collection we
are going to be thinking of the persecuted church and those who face
persecution for their Christian faith in the Middle East
at the moment …
The final part of Stephen’s story is an
inspiration as he embodies that Spirit of Christ in the manner of his dying,
finishing with words of forgiveness that are full of grace.
they heard these things, they became enraged and ground their teeth at Stephen.
55But filled with the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of
God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56‘Look,’ he said, ‘I see the
heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!’ 57But
they covered their ears, and with a loud shout all rushed together against him.
58Then they dragged him out of the city and began to stone him; and the
witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul. 59While they
were stoning Stephen, he prayed, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ 60Then he
knelt down and cried out in a loud voice, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against
them.’ When he had said this, he died.
Then Luke strikes an ominous note that sets
the scene for the next part of our story …
Saul approved of their killing him.