Prinknash Abbey have been celebrating a
centenary this march. It is one hundred
years since the monastic community on Caldey Island
decided to become Roman Catholic and a part of the Subaico Congregation of the
Order of St Benedict. It was a few years
later that they moved from Caldey
Island to Prinknash. This year they have been joined by their
mother Congregation, the Cassinese Benedictine Congregation, one of whose
monoasteries is at Monte Cassino and so are known as the Subiaco-Cassinese
Abbot Francis writes movingly of the
importance of ‘Being open to the call from God – whatever that might be and
wherever it might lead us – and that, he suggests, takes courage and
perseverance. “If we are to be faithful we need to have complete trust in
the one who calls. This is why St
Benedict, right at the beginning of His Holy Rule shows us the importance of
developing a listening heart; for it is in the silence of our own hearts that
the Holy Spirit communies with us, in ways that are beyond words.
“Discerning God’s will for us on our
journey through life is seldom easy – even Jesus would at times go off to a
quiet spot, away from his disciples and the crowds, to pray to his Heavenly
Father, to gain the strength, the courage and the discernment to carry out his
Father’s will perfectly.”
Those words are wonderful – ‘it is in the
silence of our own hearts that the Holy Spirit communes with us in ways that
are beyond words.”
Hold on to that
thought for a moment.
That afternoon I spent an hour with Sylvia
Lauder, Artist in Residence at St Luke’s church as we planned an evening we are
going to share together a fortnight on Tuesday as part of the Cheltenham Open
Studios week. The talk we are going to
share is entitled ‘Finding the Light’.
Last year Sylvia visited Bethlehem to
stay in a Convent that once was in the Judean
Desert and now is in the shadow of the
wall that surrounds Bethlehem . She was there to ‘write an icon’. She is going to share her experiences and I
am going to reflect on the significance of icons as I have encountered them in
three very specific instances. For 10
years Sylvia has had her studio in an unuseable gallery over the entrance door
to St Luke’s church. She spoke of the
importance of the silence in that convent, in her own experience in the church
– a silence in which there can be a sense of the presence that is so powerful.
Hold on to that thought for a moment.
Driving from St Luke’s where I had just
seen John on his way into surgery, over to Min who has returned home from
hospital this week I was listening to the radio news. Full of the horrific aftermath of the
unutterable things that had happened with the murder in Woolwich.
He was speaking with the General Secretary
of the Muslim Council of Great Britain – speaking of the need in the aftermath
of such terror not to be drawn into the terror and play the terrorist’s game by
descending into fear and recrimination among the faith communities. But rather of the need for the communities of
faith to come together and be a support.
The General Secretary of the Muslim Council could not have been more
outspoken in his utter abhorrence of what had happened and appealed for a
neighbourly love to be shared across the faith communities.
Three images I want to hold on to for a moment.
Prayer precedes Pentecost.
What’s fascinating as we move on beyond
Pentecost is that we see that Prayer proceeds from Pentecost.
I know the verse so well. And yet as I was preparing for today’s
services I saw it afresh.
There are four marks of the church that are
The Apostles’ Teaching
Breaking of Bread and Prayer
But I looked that Acts 2:42 verse up again.
And I noticed it said,
They devoted themselves to the apostles’
teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
That’s an interesting expression.
Not ‘prayer’
But ‘the prayers’
Day of Pentecost over the next thing that happens is a healing and it is
so easy to focus on the healing and then the explanation of the faith that goes
with that healing that Peter gives in the rest of Acts 3.
But I want to notice the very opening words
of that account.
One day Peter and John were going tup to
the temple at the hour of prayer, at three o’clock in the afternoon.
Very interesting glimpse of something they
did and something that was important to them.
A reminder of the pattern of prayer that
went on in the temple.
It is something you catch a glimpse of in
the Book of Daniel – an incredibly powerful book that speaks of the challenge
there is to faith in a hostile world and tells of the way in which faith is
sustained in the face of a hostile world.
Daniel far away from Jerusalem in the hostile environment of the
court of King Darius does something very particular.
He went to his house which had windows in
its upper room open towards Jerusalem ,
and he got down on his knees three times a day to pray to his God and praise
him just as ever he had done.
A pattern of prayer.
The value of a pattern of prayer – the
important of ‘the prayers’.
Here in Jerusalem Peter and John, those
close friends, following in the footsteps of Jesus made their way to the Temple and there to share
in the prayers. At the hour of prayer, 3
o’clock in the afternoon they were going there to pray.
St Benedict did what all those who have
sought to bring reformation into the church have done – he wanted to go back to
the roots of the simplicity of following in the footsteps of Jesus – the
communal sharing in community of the early church. And he too found it valuable to have times of
prayer through the day.
The hours of prayer that still that
community in Prinknash observe.
That Convent in Bethlehem had its heart the rhythm of a
praying community that so moved Sylvia.
And Justin Welby and Ibrahahim Mogra. I googled the story. And it was one of those moments I found quite
moving. The Archbhishop of Canterbury
had a scheduled visit to Leicester last week –
he rearranged things and saw to it that he shared with key members nationally
of the Muslim and Christian communities. The press release was moving – and I
felt spoke so appropriately into the awfulness of all that had happened.
I recognised the place he made his
statement to the press. It’s on a kind
of island where the main Evington
Road forks.
On one side is the infant school I attended, Evington Valley
infants School . On the other side is St Philip’s church – now
a centre for dialogue between faith communities that is doing remarkable work
in building bridges in the community in Leicester
and further afield – nurturing the kind of dialogue that is steadfast to one’s
one faith while being loving and open towards the faith communities of others.
And on that ‘island’ in the fork between
the two roads – a Mosque.
Many of the customs of Islam were drawn
from the church of the time – and the centrality of prayer is one of them. The prayer times through the day. Important to honour and respect a praying
At this kind of time when terror threatens
to fracture our society, maybe prayer is the thing we should be committed
to. Praying for the society we are in to
be at one with each other.
It’s not quite me to celebrate a
birthday. I was more than a little
reluctant. Thanks to Felicity for
getting family together with church family as well – and good to share. A birthday is a day to think of parents and
remember. And that was the spot where my
mother died all of ninenteen years ago.
Moving in a strange way.
How do we respond to the nation’s sense of
tragedy in the wake of the murder in Woolwich?
How do we respond to our own sense of
tragedy in the wake of such sadnesses?
Maybe we need to go back to the recognition
given by Peter and John in the days after Pentecost that it is important to be
committed to the prayers. To the hour of prayer.
Cultivate a pattern of prayer. Five times a day has dwindled to three times
on a Sunday and then to twice on a Sunday and then to once. And what about during the week? The value of a pattern of prayer.
The thing is that when there is a pattern
of prayer it keeps the channels open with God and through those channels the
grace of God’s love can be released in all sorts of healing ways into our lives and into our